Request for Conference or Classroom Visit Form - Monarch Academy Glen Burnie
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PHONE: 410-760-2072

2025 Lottery Results will be posted at Noon EST 2/7/25

School Day Hours

K-8th- 8:45am – 3:45pm

Request for Conference or Classroom Visit Form

We encourage families to come to Monarch – please fill this out to request this.
  • Dear Monarch Academy,
    I would like to request:

  • (please list possible dates and times)
  • (Note: We ask for 24 hours' notice of your visit time. Please list the date and time of your visit time)
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    • If you have a concern in conjunction with the request, we ask that you complete an official Monarch Concern Form and submit it in conjunction with this request form.
    • If you believe your child is being bullied, harassed or intimidated at school (see definition below) … we ask that you complete an official AACPS report found here

    Bullying, harassment and intimidation mean any intentional conduct, including verbal, physical or written conduct, or an intentional electronic communication, that creates a hostile educational environment by substantially interfering with a student's educational benefits, opportunities or performance, or with a student's physical or psychological well-being. The conduct must (1) be motivated by an actual or a perceived personal characteristic including race, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ancestry, physical attributes, socioeconomic status, familial status, or physical or mental ability or disability, or (2) be threatening or seriously intimidating. Electronic communication means communication transmitted by means of electronic device, including a telephone, cellular phone, computer and pager. Conduct that is of a sexual nature is the most commonly reported form of sexual harassment. This term is generally thought to mean actions, language or visual materials which specifically refer to, portray or involve sexual activity or language. Conduct or a sexual nature may include overt sexual solicitations, inappropriate touching, sexual jokes and inquiries about a person's sex life. Sexual harassment is the broader term that encompasses conducts of a sexual nature such as unwelcomed sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also includes acts that are not overtly sexual but rather are directed at individuals based on their gender such as profanity or rude behavior that is gender-specific.

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Glen Burnie, MD 21060

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