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Two Monarch Academy Teachers Nominated for AACPS Teacher of the Year

Two Monarch Academy Teachers Nominated for AACPS Teacher of the Year

Monarch Global Academy Laurel teacher Maria Cummings and Monarch Academy Glen Burnie teacher Sonja Bolotin are among 43 teachers nominated for Anne Arundel County’s Teacher of the Year. Monarch Global Academy Laurel and Monarch Academy Glen Burnie are charter or contract schools with Anne Arundel County Public Schools.

Sonia Bolotin

Sonja Bolotin teaches second grade at Monarch Academy Glen Burnie.

“Mrs. Bolotin meets each child where they are, creates a safe crew where children thrive and brings students to success as they engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. She does this while contributing to a culture of personal growth for the adults at Monarch Academy to ensure that we hold ourselves accountable to our commitment to equity,” said Monarch Academy Glen Burnie Principal Kim Jakovics. “Walking into Mrs. Bolotin’s second grade class is a magical experience. There are few places where I would rather be.”

Through Bolotin’s leadership, second grade students partnered with an author and nonprofit organization to write and illustrate a book about bees. The book was translated into Amharic and then distributed to children in Ethiopia.

“Our students, with Mrs. Bolotin’s commitment and passion for relevant learning experiences that affect the local and global community, made that happen,” Jakovics said.

Bolotin also created a reading program called the Caterpillar Club to encourage her second grade students to be excited about reading as she worked to ensure that all read on grade level by the end of their second grade year. This program brought in community volunteers and partners each morning and made reading fun and exciting for children.

Maria Cummings

Maria ‘Conchi’ Cummings teaches world and classical language to middle school students at Monarch Global Academy Laurel.

“Sra. Cummings came to us with a wealth of experience in all things Spanish. In her time at Monarch Global Academy, Conchi, as she is called, has consistently demonstrated her effectiveness as a teacher through her strong example, tireless work ethic and high expectations. Conchi’s classroom radiates a warmth that embraces her Spanish heritage,” said Monarch Global Academy Principal Donna O’Shea. “She is a true leader and team player and supports the implementation of curriculum and instruction that is both rigorous and highly differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Parents respect Conchi because she holds high expectations for her students. They appreciate her willingness to go above and beyond, so their children succeed in Spanish.”

Cummings’ students have consistently scored high on the quarterly benchmark tests. Her students said they can tell she loves them. Positive and calm, she allows students to be creative and experience different things, they said.

Anne Arundel County Public Schools will honor Bolotin and Cummings at its 35th annual Excellence in Education Awards hosted by the 21st Century Education Foundation on April 15, 2021. The event will culminate with the announcement of the 2021 Anne Arundel County Public School Teacher of the Year, who will represent the county in the Maryland State Teacher of the Year competition.



The Children’s Guild Alliance’s Transformation Fall 2020 Newsletter Recognizes Our Resilience

The Children’s Guild Alliance’s Transformation Fall 2020 Newsletter Recognizes Our Resilience

We are collectively living through one of the most sweeping health crises in our history. This issue of Transformation shares how The Children’s Guild Alliance has relied on empathy and action to persevere during these challenging times.

The holidays are difficult for many of our families, especially this year. We introduce our Holiday Gift Catalog and invite you to help us spread joy with an array of gifts from school supplies and daily essentials to gift certificates or a special experience such as a trip to the beach.

We are thankful for the success of our virtual Kids First Celebration and congratulate our 2020 Sadie Award recipients Guy and Nupur Parekh Flynn. We also congratulate the recipients of our 2020 Monarch Award, the highest honor bestowed upon our staff. Their dedication has been truly inspirational during a year of unforeseen stress and change.

Our staff continue to amaze us with their creativity and commitment. From virtual pep rallies to flexible mental health services, we are educating and caring for the whole child. We also welcome new staff members hired to build a more inclusive school culture.

Learn how The Guild is making the most of grants and special funding to launch preschool programs in Annapolis and College Park. We have also received grants to fund our community-building efforts during distance learning and support our ongoing food distribution program in Annapolis.

This issue of Transformation highlights how The Guild has transformed its approach during COVID-19 to meet the needs of our students. As you read these stories, join us in celebrating learning, giving, and putting “kids first”.

Andrew Ross to Step Down as President and CEO of The Children’s Guild Alliance

Andrew Ross to Step Down as President and CEO of The Children’s Guild Alliance

Andrew Ross will step down as president and CEO of The Children’s Guild Alliance on June 30, 2021, after 26 years. The Children’s Guild Alliance, a nonprofit organization based in Baltimore, serves children, families and child-serving organizations.

When Ross joined The Children’s Guild, the organization had two special needs schools, one group home and a $6 million budget. Today, with a $82 million budget, the organization serves close to 6,000 children through two special needs schools, four charter/contract schools in Anne Arundel County and Washington, D.C., three therapeutic group homes, a treatment foster care program and a behavioral health program that serves students in 90 schools in Baltimore, Howard, Anne Arundel, Prince George’s, and Cecil counties.

Ross was instrumental in the development of TranZed Apprenticeships, the TranZed Academy for Working Students and the Transformation Education Institute that holds national conferences and programs for child-serving professionals throughout the year.

“Among Dr. Ross’ greatest contributions was the introduction of Transformation Education to The Guild and caring for the whole child. Transformation Education puts the needs of the child ahead of the needs of the adult and creates a culture for learning to meet the individualized learning styles of each child in creative, attractive environments,” said Chris Zimmerman, chair of The Children’s Guild Alliance board of directors.

Most recently, Ross launched Kids First, a national campaign to transform the way America cares for and educates its children. Effective July 1, 2021, Ross will become senior advisor to the Kids First campaign, which will work nationally to create the cultural awareness, teacher preparation and political will to put kids first.

Ross said, “Until June 30, I will continue to support the deployment of the new initiatives in The Guild’s strategic plan to include a preschool in College Park and Monarch Academy Annapolis and the expansion of our special education schools to serve more students with autism. I will also continue to support our work on diversity, equity, inclusion and Kids First. In addition, I will be preparing the organization for a seamless transition to a new president and CEO.”

The Children’s Guild Alliance retained Koya Leadership Partners, an executive search firm, to implement a national search for Ross’ replacement. Zimmerman will head the search committee, which will work to hire the new CEO by March 2021.

“It has truly been an honor to have led The Guild over the past 26 years. Life has taught me that this change will result in great opportunity and growth for the organization and for me,” Ross said.

The Children’s Guild Alliance Releases 2020 Annual Report

The Children’s Guild Alliance Releases 2020 Annual Report

The Children’s Guild Alliance experienced a year like no other in its 67-year history. Our amazing team responded to the COVID-19 crisis with extraordinary compassion, energy, creativity, and commitment. Through these difficult and challenging times, we pulled together and accomplished more than we ever could have imagined.

We invite you to take a moment to read this year’s annual report and celebrate the many ways The Children’s Guild Alliance supported children this year.


Annual report highlights:

  • The heroic efforts of our staff members during the pandemic.
  • Our rapid transition to distance learning through the distribution of more than 1,000 Chromebooks so our students could continue learning even though in-person teaching stopped on March 13, 2020.
  • The opening of food distribution centers in our schools and the delivery of more than 10,000 pounds of food to our students and their families in Annapolis, Washington, D.C., and the surrounding communities.
  • Our launch of teletherapy to provide social and emotional support for 2,550 students and their families in more than 90 schools.
  • An agreement with Steve Wozinak’s Woz U and Infosys, the seventh largest tech employer in the U.S., to provide nontraditional apprenticeships as an alternative to college.

This is just a sampling of the milestones achieved in 2019-2020. We could not be more grateful to our students, families, staff, and friends for making this school year a success. Together we are transforming the way America cares for educates its children.

We’re Proud to be an Affiliate of The Children’s Guild