Monarch Academy, Author at Monarch Academy
Summer Principal Series with Mr. Johnson!

Summer Principal Series with Mr. Johnson!

Principal Johnson is excited to share some fantastic updates about what Monarch Academy Annapolis has been working on around the school and some tips for students to keep their brains sharp throughout the Summer! Mr. Johnson will check in with students at least once weekly or every two weeks on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Don’t miss out!

July Gym Reveal

First, a big announcement! “In July, we’re going to show how awesome our new gym looks!”. We know many of our students are looking forward to seeing the improvements, it will be amazing. The new hardwood floors, scoreboards, and other enhancements will create an incredible space for all our physical activities and events.

Teachers’ Lounge Makeover

In the meantime, we are working to make our teachers’ lounge more comfortable and inviting. Our teachers work hard every day, and we want to ensure they have a pleasant space to relax, eat lunch, and recharge. “We are going to make sure it is much more comfortable for our teachers to eat lunch and have a great time in and take a break.” A cozy and welcoming lounge will make a big difference for them.

Classroom and Carpet Cleaning

Cleanliness is a top priority. We are thoroughly cleaning all the carpets and classrooms to ensure everything is spotless and ready for your return. A clean and tidy environment helps everyone feel good and ready to learn.

Outdoor Improvements

We haven’t forgotten about the outside of the school either. The playground is being cleaned and spruced up, along with the surrounding outdoor areas. We want the school grounds to be just as welcoming as the inside of the building.

Share Your Summer Adventures & Keep Learning!

Summer is a time for relaxation and enjoyment, but it’s also important to keep our minds sharp. But it is important to keep learning, Mr. Johnson said, “Let’s make sure we continue to keep all of the knowledge we learned this school year”. That’s why Mr. Johnson is here to remind you of a few key activities to keep your brain active and engaged during the summer months.

  • Keep Reading! One of the best ways to maintain your learning is by diving into some good books. Reading not only helps improve your vocabulary and comprehension skills but also transports you to exciting new worlds and adventures. Whether it’s a thrilling mystery, an inspiring biography, or a fascinating science fiction story, make sure to set aside some time each day for reading.
  • Practice Math Facts! Math is another area where consistent practice can make a huge difference. Spend a few minutes each day working on math facts to keep your skills sharp. This can be as simple as practicing multiplication tables, solving math puzzles, or playing math-related games.

We would love to hear about the exciting things you’re doing this summer. Whether it’s a new hobby, a fun trip, or just a relaxing day at the pool, share your summer adventures with us and tag @MonarchAcademyAnnapolis on Facebook and Instagram.

Kim Jakovics, Principal at Monarch Academy Glen Burnie, Recognized as Leader of the Year

Kim Jakovics, Principal at Monarch Academy Glen Burnie, Recognized as Leader of the Year

8th Grader also Recognized as Outstanding Student

Kim Jakovics, Principal for Monarch Academy Glen Burnie, has been recognized by the Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools with the Leader of the Year Award, and was also recognized yesterday by the Capital Gazette, Capital Style Magazine’s Best of Anne Arundel County Reader’s Choice Award with a similar honor. Kim has truly made a difference in so many of her students’ lives as principal of the school. Zaikiyah (Z) Weddington, who is in 8th grade at the Monarch Academy, was also honored as an Outstanding 8th Grader for being a role model and leader.

“We are so proud of Kim Jakovics and Zaikiyah Weddington for being recognized by these prestigious organizations for the values we live by at The Children’s Guild and Monarch Academy Glen Burnie,” said Jenny Livelli, President and CEO of The Children’s Guild, which operates Monarch Academy Glen Burnie as well as two other charter schools in Anne Arundel County and one in Washington, DC. “The mission of Monarch Academy Glen Burnie is to consciously create a safe, respectful and inclusive school community that educates, elevates and empowers ALL voices through authentic and equitable experiences. Kim leads that mission and Z is a wonderful example of the impact we have on our students.”

 The Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools awarded Zaikiyah (Z) Weddington with the Outstanding 8th Graders Award. One way Z showcased her leadership skills was during Black History Month. After realizing that there are typically a few historic figures students focus on, she collaborated with her teachers to craft a learning module to emphasize dozens of voices of African American Leaders. Under her guidance, all 8th grade students engaged in collaborative research and designed a puzzle-piece artistic display to share details from their chosen leader’s life and story.

According to John Paul Bennett, 8th Grade Humanities teacher, Z is a role model and leader in the school and has demonstrated consistent and significant academic progress while overcoming personal obstacles. Z’s impact on the school through this project is a perfect example of the way that Monarch Academy students can act as leaders of their own learning and impact the community around them.

“I have had a wonderful experience being a student at Monarch Academy, they have truly prepared me as I graduate and go on to high school,” said Z. “I’m honored that my teachers and peers see me as a role model and leader, I truly never felt that way at other schools and I have much more confidence now that my voice can be heard.”

In addition to Z’s Award, Kim Jakovics received the Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools Leader of the Year Award and the Capital Gazette, Capital Style Magazine’s Best of Anne Arundel County Reader’s Choice Award. Kim joined Monarch Academy Glen Burnie as principal in 2018 and has led the staff to put the child first with every decision the leaders and teachers make.

Throughout her career Kim has created a dynamic learning community that extends beyond the classroom. Kim supports learning experiences that give students opportunities to be active participants in their education. One such example is a recent 5th grade environmental literacy program where students were working on a biodiversity study at the school and at a nearby waterfront. They conducted a survey, made a plan, worked with the Department of Natural Resources and received a grant to continue the work. This is a great example of the way Kim supports the teachers as they engage students in their learning.

“Our school promotes high achievement, character growth and teamwork through a focus on arts and technology, culture and character, and leadership and school improvement,” said Kim Jakovics. “It is my honor to instill these characteristics into our students and I am humbled to represent the wonderful work our entire staff does and be recognized as the leader of the school.”

Monarch Academy Glen Burnie, founded in 2009, is a tuition-free, publicly funded charter school open to kindergarten through eighth grade students in Anne Arundel County regardless of testing or screening. For more information, click here. For the full virtual tour of the school click on the video on the home page.

The Monarch Academy Glen Burnie is part of The Children’s Guild, a nonprofit organization serving children, families and child-serving organizations since 1953. The Children’s Guild programs are guided by Transformation Education, an organizational philosophy that fosters a culture of flexibility. This culture creates management and staff who are agile thinkers. This assures children are treated as individuals and taught the way they learn best.

Affiliates of The Children’s Guild include The Children’s Guild, Inc., Baltimore Campus, The Children’s Guild DC Public Charter School, The Children’s Guild – Prince George Campus, Monarch Academy Glen Burnie, Monarch Academy Global – Laurel, Monarch Academy Annapolis, The Outpatient Mental Health Clinic, Treatment Foster Care, The Children’s Guild- Transformation Academy, Monarch Preschool College Park, TranZed Academy for Working Students (TAWS), and TranZed Apprenticeships. For more information, visit

The Children’s Guild Releases 2021 Annual Report

The Children’s Guild Releases 2021 Annual Report

The firsts we achieved, the service we undertook, the recognition we earned, and the funds we raised to better serve communities made 2021 a year to remember for The Children’s Guild. Join us to reflect on an inspiring year by checking out our 2021 Annual Report.
The new look and feel of the Annual Report helps to better demonstrate the exciting things happening in The Children’s Guild. The successes we experienced in 2021 are celebrated by our participating families and communities, and our talented and highly trained staff across all our schools and programs. And they’re made possible by the generous support from our donors and board of directors.
This presentation shares some of the amazing stories from 2021, including the opening of Transformation Academy, the expanded services offered by many of our schools and programs, The Children’s Guild, Inc., Baltimore Campus’ success in statewide competition, and many other stories. Also included in this report is an overview of our 2021 financials.
During this past year, we have grown and expanded our influence and impact. The Children’s Guild will continue to provide individualized transformational experiences that help ensure children, families, and their communities thrive. 2021 put us a step closer to achieving our vision: generations of curious and courageous children, healthy families, and thriving communities. The impact that The Children’s Guild made in 2021 will continue to move us to do big things for those we serve in 2022.
Experience the 2021 Annual Report presentation today!

Monarch Academy Annapolis se asocia con Towson University para cerrar la brecha que afecta a los estudiantes multilingües

Monarch Academy Annapolis se asocia con Towson University para cerrar la brecha que afecta a los estudiantes multilingües

La escuela pública está ubicada en el condado de Anne Arundel y es parte de un programa liderado por la Universidad de Towson, que capacita a educadores de las escuelas públicas para la enseñanza a estudiantes que están aprendiendo inglés.

Monarch Academy Annapolis aborda las necesidades de los estudiantes multilingües en sus aulas mediante la contratación y capacitación de maestros de inglés especializados en hablantes de otros idiomas (ESOL, por sus siglas en inglés).

La escuela, que es gratuita y está financiada con fondos públicos, se ubica en el condado de Anne Arundel, y ofrece clases a estudiantes desde prekínder hasta quinto grado. Su misión es proporcionar una cultura escolar que produzca estudiantes que piensen críticamente, resuelvan problemas de manera creativa, se vuelvan autodisciplinados, y sepan cómo aprender y comprender que el objetivo de la vida es servir a una causa más grande que uno mismo.

Monarch ha cambiado las reglas a la hora de dictar clases. No es inusual encontrar un maestro ESOL, junto a otro colega en la misma aula, aplicando un método que ayuda a los estudiantes que no hablan inglés a aprender el idioma. Este método de co-enseñanza se ha convertido en una forma eficaz de satisfacer las crecientes necesidades de los alumnos multilingües, la población de más rápido crecimiento en los Estados Unidos.

“Siempre nos hemos mantenido fieles a las necesidades de nuestros estudiantes y sus familias en Monarch Academy”, dijo Charlotte Manbeck, directora de la institución. “Más de la mitad de los estudiantes en nuestras aulas actualmente hablan español en casa y están aprendiendo más de un idioma a la vez. A medida que nuestra comunidad cambia, también debemos cambiar con ellos y brindarles a los estudiantes y sus familias las herramientas que necesitan para prosperar”.

De acuerdo a un informe del Instituto Brookings de 2017, los estudiantes multilingües crecieron 60% en la última década. Más de cinco millones en todo el país están aprendiendo inglés mientras hablan otro idioma en casa, y son parte de programas de asistencia para mejorar el idioma.

La necesidad de maestros ESOL también ha aumentado exponencialmente. Debido a la falta de educadores que cumplan con estos criterios, los estudiantes están siendo perjudicados. Según los informes del gobierno, a pesar de su gran crecimiento, los estudiantes multilingües siguen figurando como el grupo con el rendimiento más bajo, en cuanto a la tasa de graduación y al resultado de las evaluaciones se refiere.

“La población de estudiantes aprendiendo inglés en el condado está creciendo, y todos los maestros en algún momento van a tener a un aprendiz del idioma en el salón de clases”, dijo Chelsea Massa, maestra de primer grado en Monarch Academy en una entrevista al diario The Washington Post. “Necesitamos saber qué hace que ese estudiante sea único, cómo puedo satisfacer sus necesidades y asegurarme de que sean escuchados y comprendidos de la manera adecuada”.

Massa es parte del programa ELEVATE de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Towson. La iniciativa capacita a los maestros a través de asociaciones con seis escuelas en el distrito escolar público del condado Anne Arundel. El programa surgió de una subvención de 2.7 millones de dólares, otorgada por el Departamento de Educación de EE. UU., destinada para formar a los educadores ESOL en el estado de Maryland, y también para apoyar a aquellos que ya tienen la certificación.

Como parte del programa, los maestros ESOL de Monarch se reúnen con el equipo de la universidad una vez a la semana para recibir entrenamiento específico para mejorar la educación que se brinda a los 90 estudiantes multilingües inscritos en la escuela.

“Nos aseguramos de que nuestras clases y el currículo de los semestres se alineen con las necesidades de los estudiantes ESL (con inglés como segunda lengua)”, dijo Alyssa Danick, instructora ESOL en Monarch Academy Annapolis. Nuestra participación en el programa ELEVATE ha mejorado la forma en que abordamos las clases y las necesidades de los estudiantes, y también nos ha ayudado a aprender nuevas formas de integrar el inglés”.

Mientras los educadores siguen capacitándose para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes, Monarch continúa sumando herramientas de desarrollo del lenguaje en sus lecciones, aulas y herramientas de instrucción. Con la ayuda de una subvención de 2017, la escuela también está trabajando en un club de lectura bilingüe que proporcionará libros en inglés y en español a las familias hispanohablantes en sus propias casas.

“Estamos muy entusiasmados con nuestro club de lectura bilingüe”, dijo Miguel Vicente, líder de participación comunitaria bilingüe. “Esta iniciativa ayudará a los estudiantes y sus familias a unirse y a aprender juntos. Estamos encantados de dar el siguiente paso para ayudar a nuestros alumnos a prosperar y a que cada día se sientan más cómodos con un nuevo idioma tanto en casa como en la escuela “.

Monarch Academy Annapolis se asocia con Towson University para cerrar la brecha que afecta a los estudiantes multilingües

Monarch Academy Annapolis Teams Up with Towson University to Bridge the Gap for Multilingual Students

The contract school located in Anne Arundel County is part of a Towson University program that trains educators to teach ESL students at public schools.

Monarch Academy Annapolis has been addressing the needs of multilingual learners in their classrooms by hiring and training English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers.

The tuition-free, publicly funded contract school open to pre-kindergarten through fifth-grade students in Anne Arundel County is focused on its mission to provide a school culture that produces students who think critically, problem solve creatively, become self-disciplined, know how to learn, and understand that the goal of life is to serve a cause larger than oneself.

Monarch has changed the rules when it comes to leading their classrooms. It’s not unusual to find an ESOL teacher working alongside a classroom teacher as an effective method of helping non-English speakers learn the English language. This co-teaching method has become an effective way to meet the growing needs of multilingual students, the fastest-growing population in the United States.

“We have always stayed true to the needs of our students and their families at Monarch Academy,” said Charlotte Manbeck, Monarch Academy Annapolis’ Principal. “More than half of the students in our classrooms currently speak Spanish at home and are learning more than one language at a time. As our community changes, we must also change with them and provide students and their families the tools they need to thrive.”

According to a 2017 Brookings Institute report, multilingual students have grown by 60 percent in the last decade. Additionally, more than 5 million students nationwide are learning English while speaking another language at home and are part of a language assistance program.

The need for ESOL teachers has also increased exponentially. Due to a lack of educators who meet these criteria, students are suffering. According to government reports, multilingual learners still show up as the lowest-performing group on graduation rates and testing despite their growing numbers.

“Our ELL population in the county is growing, and all teachers at some point are going to have an English learner in the classroom,” said Chelsea Massa, a first-grade teacher at Monarch Academy Annapolis in an interview with The Washington Post. “They need to know what makes that student unique, how can I meet their needs, and also make sure that they’re being heard and understood in the appropriate way.”

Massa is part of the ELEVATE program at Towson University College of Education. This initiative trains teachers through partnerships with six schools in Anne Arundel County public school district. The program emerged from a $2.7 million grant from the U.S. Education Department focused on training ESL educators in the state of Maryland and supporting those who already have the certification.

As part of the program, the ESOL teachers at Monarch meet with the college’s team once a week for targeted training to improve the education provided to the 90 multilingual students enrolled at the school.

“We make sure our lesson plans and curriculum for the semesters align with the needs of ESL students,” said Alyssa Danick, ESOL instructor at Monarch Academy Annapolis. Our participation in the ELEVATE program has enhanced the way we approach lesson plans, student needs, and also has helped us to learn new ways of integrating the English language.”

While educators continue training to meet the needs of students, Monarch continues to integrate language development tools into their lesson plans, classrooms, and instruction tools. With the help of a 2017 grant, the school is also working on a take-home bilingual book club that will provide English and Spanish books for the families that speak Spanish at home.

“We are so excited about our bilingual book club,” said Miguel Vicente, Bilingual Community Engagement Liaison. “This initiative will help students and their families come together and learn together. We are thrilled to take the next step toward helping our students thrive and feel like every day they are getting more and more comfortable with a new language both at home and at school.”